Senin, 17 Januari 2011

king&queen cupcakes

order dari nintya pas stlh acara kay @ school. matanya agak mbliur, badannya capek banget ampe tanggalnya salah. untung yg order nyadar, n cepet2 balik krumahq buat benerin tanggalnya. thank u nin!

my gingerbreadhouse latbar with FM

latbar FM bulan december is gingerbreadhouse! yeyyyyy! love it!love it! meskipun q hampirrrr ga ikut ternyata akhirnya q dapet tempat juga. tapi, my GBH paling minimalis qiqiqiqi.... soalnya adonanq trakir masuk oven. thanx a mill buat temen2 1 kelompokku, ce hanna, mba ceyza (bumil yg rapi jali GBHnya), mba alvi, mba raras, all d mods&all d mons yg very2 generous&unbeliveable! qt diliput ama reuters&masuk metro TV jugaa. thank u mods&mons!!!!! lap u alll!!!!!

cupcakes for kay's teacher

at kay's b'day celebration at school, i made cupcakes for teachers&school staff. hope they like it!

kayla's b'dayyyy

yeyyyy! my baby's b'day now! dia akhirnya bisa balas dendam stlh every month harus liat mommynya bikin cake buat temen2 sekolahnya & celebrate it at her school. idenya pertama minta toy story, trus change 2 barbie, trus change 2 kai-lan. ampunnnn saking balas dendam makanya banyak permintaannya. finally, she's making a deal with me. barbie cake utk dinner with my family at bentoya galaxy mall. maunya tuh barbie buat sklh skalian tapiiiii ternyata tuh barbie dikerubutin semut. hmmmm..... akhirnya, aku harus make another cake pake tema "ni hao kai-lan" itu salah satu TV show di nickelodeon pake bahasa english&mandarin. she loves it very much! akhirnya, q bikinin figurine si kai-lan ama temen2nya. untuk goody bagnya, this year q kasi tas pensil warna dari kain ada tulisannya "kay's 4th b'day" wrna lime green&post it bntuk animals, cupcakenya pake topper kai-lan&friends. she loves it very much! happy b'day, gorgeous! wish u all d best!

queenbee cupcakes

order kali ini dari nintya. thank u ya nin! mnta temanya queenbee. rada mati gaya nih, hope she'll love it!

x'mas with cokmod

x'mas is comingggg! joy spread all over my kitchen qiqiqi.... x'mas kali ini semua cakes&cupcakesku covered with cokmod. thanx a mill buat hera yg sdh ngasih tutorial how to make cokmod pas q liburan k jakarta lebaran kmrn, thanx 2 mba rindu&mba dina yg aku tanya2in ttg cokmod juga. love this cokmod coz it's tasty! eatable! qiqiqi....

fashion cupcakes for my BFF

barengan ama maminya vida, my BFF diana having her b'day! she loves fashion, and she loves purple and pink. she's also big fan of harley! so i'm making this set of cupcakes for her. happy b'day din! wish u all d best darl!

fashion cupcakes for oma

order kali ini dari vida lagi, masih dengan warna turquoise. yang b'day maminya vida yang dah punya cucu 7 tapi masih langsingggg, loves yoga, loves fashion&baking. vida minta cupcake fashion trus ada figurine maminya&cucu2nya. hope she'll love it! thank u, vid!