Senin, 17 Januari 2011

kayla's b'dayyyy

yeyyyy! my baby's b'day now! dia akhirnya bisa balas dendam stlh every month harus liat mommynya bikin cake buat temen2 sekolahnya & celebrate it at her school. idenya pertama minta toy story, trus change 2 barbie, trus change 2 kai-lan. ampunnnn saking balas dendam makanya banyak permintaannya. finally, she's making a deal with me. barbie cake utk dinner with my family at bentoya galaxy mall. maunya tuh barbie buat sklh skalian tapiiiii ternyata tuh barbie dikerubutin semut. hmmmm..... akhirnya, aku harus make another cake pake tema "ni hao kai-lan" itu salah satu TV show di nickelodeon pake bahasa english&mandarin. she loves it very much! akhirnya, q bikinin figurine si kai-lan ama temen2nya. untuk goody bagnya, this year q kasi tas pensil warna dari kain ada tulisannya "kay's 4th b'day" wrna lime green&post it bntuk animals, cupcakenya pake topper kai-lan&friends. she loves it very much! happy b'day, gorgeous! wish u all d best!

1 komentar:

  1. My daughter loves watching Kai-Lan on Nick Jr. We get TV everywhere using DISH Network. As a DISH employee I can tell you that by using DISH Network's Sling box you can stream live TV content and DVR recordings wherever you are. Go to
